We are working towards a sustainable, resilient, and secure future for the Earth and all its inhabitants.
We are working towards a sustainable, resilient, and secure future for the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Never before in history, so many people have been growing up in an urban environment like today. Since the Industrial Revolution, the world population has doubled. We are already emitting dangerous amounts of greenhouse gasses for over 100 years, which is causing the Earth to heat up. This is having major consequences for us as people and the planet.
Nature is not in a good state, and this is on us. Still, we are hardly acting on this knowledge. For most of us, the alarming messages in the media only give rise to a growing feeling of powerlessness. All the while when a fundamental shift in social, technological and economic structures is necessary. And we can all contribute to this shift. The Earth is changing; this is a fact. But how it will change, we can still determine ourselves.
Julia Roberts is the voice of Mother Nature in this powerful and confronting video of Conservation International. This short video is a real wake-up call about the relationship between humans and the Earth.
“How you choose to live each day, whether you regard or disregard me, doesn’t really matter to me. One way or the other, your actions will determine your faith. Not mine.”
Our goal is to increase awareness of ecological, social and economic sustainability. On our project pages, you can read how we are doing this.
Fortunately, behind the news reports on climate refugees, melting ice caps, floods, extreme droughts, extinct species and politicians in denial, a worldwide movement is growing. This movement of people is demonstrating things can be done differently. We want to shine a light on these initiatives. Will you join us?